Code of Conduct
All Longniddry Golf Club members and staff have the right to be treated with dignity and respect at all times.
Longniddry Golf Club recognises this responsibility and the Board of Directors, on behalf of the Club, will ensure that at all times, members and staff behave appropriately and correctly.
It is expected that Longniddry Golf Club Directors will positively and continually support this Code of Conduct at all times and in all contexts, including meetings, events, social media sites, emails, telephone calls and in dealing with staff and Club members.
Longniddry Golf Club deplores all forms of bullying, harassment and inappropriate behaviour towards, and by, Club members and employees. In particular, we do not condone or accept any form of bullying or harassment and particularly on account of gender, religion, race, age, sexual orientation or disability.
Club members should not directly approach members of staff either in their work place or elsewhere to confront them on matters relating to the management of the golf club. It is the responsibility of Club members and staff to report immediately any improper conduct or offensive behavior to the General Manager or to a Director.
Members of staff are bound by their terms and conditions of employment, and are expected to report any such behavior to their line manager or the General Manager or to a Director.
The Board of Directors undertakes to investigate any such allegation promptly, and take appropriate action based on the findings of that investigation and in line with section 16 of the Club’s Constitution as embodied in the Articles of Association of Longniddry Golf Club Limited. The actions which the Board of Directors may take could result in suspension or termination of membership, depending on the conclusion of the investigatory process.
I would also like to remind all members that, as provided for in section 4.3 of the Club’s Rules & Byelaws, “All complaints must be submitted in writing to the General Manager and signed by the complainer. The General Manager will submit all such complaints to the Directors for consideration at the next meeting of the Directors and they will reply as they consider appropriate through the General Manager.”
We would take this opportunity to remind members that Longniddry Golf Club has a dress code and normal golf attire should be worn on the course. This precludes un-tailored shorts, cargo-style shorts, jogging bottoms, football shirts and training shoes. Smart jeans and training shoes may be worn in the clubhouse but not on the course. Hats should be removed in the clubhouse.