34 players have been signed up for this competition as of 9:59 AM Friday 6th December
Audrey Berg () |
Wallace Campbell (Gullane) |
Emma Candlish-Welford (Brampton) |
Audrey Dunnett (Winterfield) |
Jill Gibb (Duddingston) |
Ian Gordon (4.8) |
Thomas Gowan (Gullane) |
Annette Hardie (Glencorse) |
Lindsay Hay (Liberton) |
Thomas Hay (Liberton) |
Heather HUGHES (Elland) |
Nicholas HUGHES (Elland) |
Fraser Jervis (Newbattle) |
George Johnstone (Winterfield) |
Ian Kirk (Drumpellier) |
Marie KirK (Drumpellier) |
David Lindsay (13.5) |
Fiona Lindsay () |
Joseph McCusker (17.3) |
Lorraine McCusker (19.8) |
Kevin Moss (York) |
Samantha Moss (Sandburn Hall) |
Julia Paterson (OpenPlay) |
Graeme Percival (Aberdour) |
Mairi Pollock (Gullane) |
Scott Porter (Broomieknowe) |
Maureen Quin (Deer Park & Country Club) |
ian rennie (Dunbar) |
Louise Robertson (Winterfield) |
Lynda Stewart (Ringway) |
Robbie Stewart (Ringway) |
Ian Thompson (Hankley Common Golf Club) |
Jill Thompson (Hankley Common Golf Club) |
John Candlish - Welford (Brampton) |